Project start: July 2020 Timeline: 2 months Client: DevsHunter Services: UX, UI, User Research, IA & Data Analytics Platform: Responsive Website
DevsHunter is a recruitment platform focused on the technology and innovation market. Unlike its competitors, DevsHunter bets on the first stage of the process, and guarantees a much more agile model than the others.
The challenge.
Dive into the current model of recruitment platforms, find an innovative path and design its complete operation, both for recruiters and candidates.

My role.
I was the lead consultant Product Designer, working closely with another Product Designer, Developers, and the Founders. I worked on the discovery process, data analysis, research, sketches, prototypes, usability testing, final screens and copywriting.
Design tools.
Design process.
It all started with a kickoff session for everyone involved to understand the project. Then we went on a survey to understand who would be the users of this kind of product. We were able to define the candidate personas, and the recruitment personas.
We made a complete analysis of the main competitors, in order to understand which unexplored gaps would be. We chose to focus on the initial phase of the selection process, which is the recruitment of people for the job. We explored this path, in order to make this first stage the simplest and fastest among all competitors. Then we started the tests and iterations, and did the handoff of the project to the developers.
Specific issues.
When we studied the recruitment platform market, we noticed that it was a red ocean. To have any relevance, we should have a very clear and unique differential.
1 – Fast sign ups
We noticed that, on the candidate’s side, one of the main pain points was having to fill in the same information several times, on several different platforms. We solved this by connecting user data through LinkedIn, and just asking for important information for the recruiter’s filter. Thus, the sign up for the candidate lasts less than 5 minutes.
2 – AI filters
For the recruiter, our intention was to reduce the cognitive burden involved in the candidate selection process. Thus, when searching, the recruiter uses intelligent filters and receives suggestions from ideal candidates for the job. The more the filter is used, the more intelligent and assertive it becomes.
3 – Candidate cards
The main feature of the platform is the candidate card. The cards concentrate all the necessary information that the recruiter needs to decide if the candidate meets the requirements of the job. Information such as name, title and experience, main soft and hard skills, salary claim and residence. All in a simple way to identify.
The results.
The platform is not online yet. Through research, I was able to learn more about the recruiting market, and how to work on a platform that would be really interesting both for recruiters and candidates.